Booming Busselton

(20 KMs)

Friday 18th October


We woke early to an overcast day, After a slow start, Simon spent time putting the bikes together.  To check that all was in working order we headed north along the cycle path as far as it would go.  It was a pleasant ride, though you couldn't see the sea. We passed through a new canal development and Simon was swooped four times by a persistent magpie.  We returned via the road to avoid invading its territory on our way back. 

 Next stop was the post office to send our back bags onto East Fremantle for collection.  Grateful to be on our bikes, we then cycled a couple of kilometres to Origin Markets for lunch.  Despite their glowing writeup, they were underwhelming, though did have a good collection of food stalls for a well-earned lunch and a little butcher for dinner supplies

The markets were set in a large store complex, and we passed more large shopping areas.  We had to have seen at least two large Coles and a Woolworths on our short trip through town, as well as every imaginable retail outlet, with parking areas pretty full.  Busselton certainly seems to be booming. This was confirmed by the volunteer at the old court house who took great pride in advising us that Jetstar was not only flying from Sydney but about to start flying from Brisbane and next year Busselton was going international with flights from Singapore. 

It started to rain as we returned to our bikes, so we headed back to our accommodation and waited for the showers to pass before venturing out again to cycle back to the famous Busselton jetty which extended 1.841 km out to sea.  We opted not to catch the train and thought it was more interesting to see it in action rather than travelling within it.  Though as the wind continued to gust, we agreed it may have been a warmer option.