Sydney to Bussleton

Thursday 17th October

Sydney - Bussleton

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The taxi to the airport was actually early.  I had allowed plenty of contingency time should one of us need to catch the train, based on previous experience.  But the bikes fitted easily and the trip was quick so we arrived two hours before departure. It took a little time for the bikes to be loaded through oversize baggage as our pannier bag twisted on entry and didn't progress so the attendant ended up closing off the conveyor belt and starting again.  Still, plenty of time for a leisurely coffee and to pick up some lunch supplies for the five hour flight.  We were delayed about 15 minutes waiting for a crew member and arrived around 30 minutes late into Perth.  We still had two hours till our bus departed for Busselton so we took our time with another cafe stop.  

The bus was full and we had to split up.  I ended up sitting next to a man who was part of a group travelling to a gardening festival in Bunbury.  He told me all about his gardens in Armidale and Coffs Harbour as well as a lot of his life history - he was a former real estate agent.  Eventually I found a need to have an urgent conversation with Simon across the aisle and he reverted to his phone for the rest of the trip.  We only had a short wait for an uber to take us the few minutes to Busselton Jetty Chalets - our accommodation for the next two nights.  Basic but perfectly serviceable and everything we needed to self cater.  We made a quick trip to the supermarket for some salmon and salad and a local bottle of rose.  We were feeling the three hour time difference, but lasted until 9:30 before crashing, 

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